Department of Physics


“Striving for Better Society”

The department has been established in 1969. Since then it has pioneered in Physics education in the Malwa region of Punjab. The department has well qualified and experienced teaching faculty . It offers UG courses : B.Sc. (N.M.) and B.Sc. (N.M with Computer applications) .The department excels in providing practical knowledge through its well equipped three state of the art laboratories, a dark-room and DBT sponsored Innovation Hub  . A number of alumni of the department are well placed in their respective fields. Various student oriented activities like Seminars/ Extension Lectures/ Conferences/ Poster-making Competitions are regularly organized by the Department. Recently the department has organized a National Conference on the Topic “Recent advances in science and technology for sustainable development ”.

The following are list of  the past and  present  faculty members of the department

Sr. No. Faculty
From To
1 Prof. P.S. Garg 01-07-1969 25-08-2003
2 Prof. J.P. Singal 27-10-1969 28-02-2006
3 Prof. K.L. Singal 14-07-1970 31-10-2001
4 Prof. R.K. Aggarwal 16-07-1971 30-04-2006
5 Dr. V.S. Puri 01-09-1978 01-04-2003

Faculty of the Department

1 Dr. Gurpreet Singh
2 Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann
3 Prof. Harpreet Kaur Brar
4 Dr. Vikas Duggal


  • To strive continuously in pursuit of excellence and to identify  practical applications of physics for the betterment of society.


  • The department of Physics at DAV College, Bathinda strives to provide an outstanding educational experience for students.
  • It aspires to disseminate current knowledge through interaction with various research units, the academic world and community at large.

Yashpal Association of Physics Students (YAPS) :

Yashpal Association of Physics Students(YAPS) has been established by the department in the honour of an eminent teacher, renowned scientist and an academician of our country. The aim of the association is to encourage maximum participation of the students in the various academic activities of the department. it constitute a committee of ten students from the B.Sc classes and  leads to the organization of various activities of the department.

Equipments/Facilities in the Department :

The department has well equipped and state of the art laboratories. All the required apparatus for performing experiments are available in the laboratories. The electronics Lab has facility to trace electrical signals on the screen. We have CRO (10 MHz and 20 MHz, Dual Beam), Function Generator for frequency range 10 kHz-10 MHz), PN junction diodes, Transistors, Amplifier (OP-Amp, CE-Amp etc.), basic logic gates, Oscillators, Series/parallel LCR resonance circuits and Digital and Analog multimeters. The G.M. counter with Cs-137souce is available for conducting experiments based on nuclear physics. The mechanics lab is equipped with Kater’s pendulum, Maxwell Needle, Fly wheels, Young’s modulus apparatus, Poisson’s ratio apparatus, barometer etc. For performing experiments of thermal physics the department has Lee-Disc apparatus, Adiabatic expansion coefficient apparatus. Planck’s constant measurement facility using photo cell, LASER (He-Ne), Thermo-e.m.f. apparatus. We have well equipped dark room for performing experiments of light (optics). It is equipped with spectrometers, mercury and sodium lamps, diffraction grating, optical bench, travelling microscopes. A multimedia projector is also available in the department. The broad-band internet and printing facility is available in the department.

Departmental Library

The department has its own library which has a collection of nearly 258 reference/text books of various authors for B.Sc. students. Some of the books have been donated by the publishers and the faculty members. These books are issued to the needy and deserving students. The record of issued books is maintained by the department.

DAV College, Bathinda Faculty Felicitated by EET CRS for Exceptional Contribution to Academics & Research.(5/9/24)

On the auspicious occasion of Teachers Day, DAV College Bathinda felt extremely honoured and overwhelmed as two of its worthy faculty members, Dr. Vandana Jindal and Dr. Vikas Duggal were felicitated by EET CRS, Research Wing for Excellence in Professional Education and Industry in the 9th South Asian Education Awards- 2024. EET CRS is a reputed organization, recognising the contribution of educational institutions, academicians and researchers and celebrating their contributions in the journey of learning. The organization known for its commitment to promoting education and social welfare, shortlisted two teachers from DAV, namely, Dr. Vandana Jindal for the “Best Faculty Award” and Dr. Vikas Duggal for the “Best Young Scientist Award”.

Dr. Vandana Jindal has been dedicatedly serving DAV for 25 years. She assumed the responsibility as the Head, Department of Computer Science in 2003. Since her joining DAV College, Bathinda, she has been assiduously mentoring the students and working for the growth of the institution. She has a rich trajectory of academic duties and research contributions to her credit.

Dr. Vikas Duggal joined the Department of Physics, DAV College, Bathinda in 2018. Since then he has been actively involved in nurturing the student community and perseveringly carrying out innovative research initiatives. Dr. Vikas Duggal has published seven books and over 35 research papers in SCI international journals. His work has garnered more than 1,100 citations, an h-index of 20, and an i10 index of 27.

The College Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma congratulated Dr. Vandana Jindal and Dr. Vikas Duggal for this momentous achievement. He lauded their efforts by stating that it is because of the innovative teaching methods, mentorship, and significant contribution in research of these two diligent teachers, which have made them fetch this honour. On the auspicious occasion of Teachers Day, he encouraged the educators to continue contributing sincerely to the academic community, which will provide the requisites to the young brigade to evolve into responsible citizens and conquer the world.

Dr. Vandana Jindal and Dr. Vikas Duggal, the award recipients, expressed gratitude to DAV for instilling in them the tenets of understanding the importance of education as a tool for societal transformation. They also thanked EET CRS for bestowing upon them this honour.

DAV College Bathinda celebrates National Space Day (21.08.2024)

Department of Physics, DAV College Bathinda celebrated National Space Day by organising a Guest Lecture on “India’s Space Programme”.The Resource Person on this occasion was Dr. Karamjit Singh, Assistant Professor, Departure of Physics, Punjabi University Patiala. The day commemorates first anniversary of successful execution of Chandaryan III Lunar Space Mission. For a colonial country like India to achieve great heights in Space Research, where Science, Research and Development were subject to Foreign Nations’ interests for more than two centuries, surely calls for a celebration. DAV College bagged this opportunity to enlighten the students about India’s achievements.

As Dr. Karamjit holds wide experience in Space Research, he described the timeline from the birth of Universe to our present day Earth in an engaging manner. Later he elaborated contribution of Indian Scientists to Space Research and encourages the students to opt for Space Research as a Career option. India’s journey from a small space station in a village in Kerala to highly sophisticated Space Missions to the Sun ,Moon and Mars was narrated through meticulous drafted Presentation.

The honorable guest was felicitated by Principal of the College Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Vice Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Staff Secretary Prof. Kuldeep Singh, Head Department of Physics Dr.Gurpreet Singh ,Head Department of Chemistry Prof. Meetu S.Wadhwa, Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann, Prof. Hapreet Kaur Brar and Dr.Vikas Duggal. The stage was handled by Prof. Harpreet Kaur Brar.
Around 120 Science students enthusiastically listened to the lecture. Vote of Thanks was proposed by Dr. Kulwinder Singh Maan.

Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma applauded the overwhelming efforts of the Department of Physics. Dr. Parveen Balla, Prof. Rajesh Batra, Dr. Amar Santosh, Prof. Pawanpreet Singh, and Dr. Amandeep Kaur graced the occasion.

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B.Sc. students at DAV College bid farewell to their seniors.

Reminiscing about the days spent in college, first and second year B.Sc. students bid an emotional yet fun filled farewell to the final year students. All the students enthusiastically participated in an event full of fun, music and games. Students made the best of the opportunity to showcase their unique talents such as singing, dancing, poetry, comedy and mimicry. A personality pageant was organized for outgoing students, which included ramp walk followed by talent show and questionnaire round. Sarthak Bansal of B.Sc. Non-Medical and Anjali of B.Sc. Medical were crowned Mr. and Miss Farewell respectively. Whereas Ramendra Singh of B.Sc. Non-Medical and Mehakpreet Kaur of B.Sc. Medical were crowned Mr. Handsome and Miss Gorgeous.
The Principal of College, Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, congratulated the winners of the pageant. Besides congratulating the students for organizing a wonderful event, he reminded them to be prepared for the upcoming exams and perform their best. He also motivated the outgoing students to do well in life and bring laurels to their parents and the institution. He appreciated the efforts of Prof. Harpreet Kaur Brar for her untiring efforts in organizing the mega event gracefully. The function was attended by Vice-Principal Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Registrar Dr. Satish Grover, Staff Secretary Prof. Kuldeep Singh, Prof. Ravinder Singh Head Department of Punjabi, Dr. Gurpreet Singh Head Department of Physics, Prof. Meetu S. Wadhwa Head Department of Chemistry, Dr. Kriti Gupta Head Department of Botany, Dr. Amar Santosh Singh Head Department of Zoology and all the faculty members who teach B.Sc. classes.

Alarming Levels of Fluoride in Bathinda’s Drinking Water: A Wake-up Call for Public Health

A recent study titled “Assessment of Fluoride Exposure and Associated Health Risks from Different Sources of Drinking Water to Various Age Groups in Bathinda City, Punjab, India,” conducted under the DBT Star College Scheme, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, has unveiled a sobering reality. The study, recently published in the esteemed journal ‘Physics and Chemistry of the Earth’ by Elsevier, reveals distressing findings about elevated fluoride levels lurking in Bathinda’s drinking water sources. This study has been conducted by Dr. Vikas Duggal, who is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at DAV College Bathinda, with his team members – Tanisha Goyal, Ramandeep Kaur, Jashandeep Kaur, and Garima Bajaj.
The investigation meticulously analyzed 296 water samples, encompassing a variety of sources such as groundwater, surface water, municipal reverse osmosis water (both pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons), public water supply, bottled water, private reverse osmosis water, and rainwater. Most shockingly, a significant proportion of the tested water sources, including groundwater (78.4%), municipal reverse osmosis water (72.1% pre-monsoon, 27.9% post-monsoon), public water supply (14.3%), bottled water (37.5%), and private reverse osmosis water (25%), far exceeded the recommended guideline value of 1.5 mg/L for fluoride, as recommended by the World Health Organization and Bureau of Indian Standards. The findings reveal potential health hazards, including the risk of skeletal and dental fluorosis, casting a shadow over the region’s overall well-being.
The study revealed that fluoride levels in 72.1% of the municipal reverse osmosis water samples exceeded the permissible limit in the pre-monsoon season, while in the post-monsoon season, this occurred in 27.9% of the samples, indicating a potential health risk. The findings suggest that the RO plant reduces the fluoride content in groundwater, but even after filtration, the fluoride level remains above the WHO guideline value, making it unsuitable for consumption. The results of the study reveal that private reverse osmosis water is safe for drinking only when households use public water supply for RO processing.
The study revealed that the fluoride concentration in 37.5% of the bottled water samples exceeded the WHO permissible limit, rendering them unsuitable for drinking. Additionally, the study found significant variations in fluoride levels among different brands of bottled water. Furthermore, when analyzing different batches of the same brand, substantial fluctuations in fluoride levels were observed, indicating a lack of regulation.
The study computed the non-carcinogenic risk of fluoride in various drinking water sources for different age categories, including infants, children, teenagers, adults, and senior citizens. It revealed that children are the most susceptible group to non-carcinogenic health repercussions arising from fluoride exposure, followed by teenagers, adults, senior citizens, and infants in sequential order.
The investigation also identified specific safe drinking water sources, particularly the hand pumps situated alongside the Sirhind Canal. Eight groundwater samples were collected from these hand pumps, and they were found to meet the recommended fluoride limits, making them suitable for direct consumption. Many people from the adjoining colonies of the canal, and even some from outlying areas, use this water for drinking motives. There is usually a rush of people to collect water in containers in the morning and evening, which is why in some places, four hand pumps are installed close to each other.
This study demonstrates that prolonged consumption of high levels of groundwater, municipal reverse osmosis water, private reverse osmosis water, and bottled water can result in dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, and other health issues. Given the implications of these findings, it is crucial to implement remediation measures aimed at reducing fluoride levels in contaminated water sources.
Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma applauded Dr. Duggal and his team for their research on immediate concerns for Bathinda city residents. He mentioned that this research would help educate the community about the dangers of excessive fluoride in various sources of drinking water.



Outreach Activities:

DAV College Bathinda Organized Workshop on “Experiments with Arduino & it’s applications”

The Department of Physics, D.A.V. College, Bathinda organized a workshop and training program on “Experiments with Arduino and it’s applications”. This event, held under the auspices of the DBT Star College Scheme at the state-of-the-art Innovation-Hub located within the hallowed halls of the Physics Department.
Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann, Co-ordinator DBT Star College Scheme spearheading the activity, welcomed a vibrant cohort of budding scholars pursuing BSc (Non-Medical). The resource person on the occasion was Dr. H.K. Sahjwani (Retd. Principal, S.D. College, Panipat). Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Head of the department introduced the guest to the students and the faculty members present in the workshop. Dr. Sahjwani enlightened the students with his vast research and teaching experience. Students learnt the functioning of an Arduino board which is contemporary version of the traditional bread board used to make simple processors. The audience was enthralled to know the wide range of applications of Arduino boards like light sensor, remote controlling of household appliances, automatic traffic lights and many more. Students were given hands on experience on operating an Arduino board.
Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Principal, DAV College, Bathinda, thanked Dr. H.K. Sahijwani, for sparing his valuable time and sharing his expertise with the students. He also appreciated the active participation of students.
The event was managed by Prof. Harpreet Kaur Brar and Dr. Vikas Duggal. The program was live-streamed on YouTube and many students from nationwide institutions joined the event online. Prof. Parveen Kumar Garg, Vice Principal, Dr. Satish Grover, Registrar and Prof. Rajesh Batra graced the occasion with their presence.

DAV College Bathinda Organized Mutual-Induction Program of B.Sc. Students through Experiments and Demonstrations in Sciences. (16 Sep., 2023)

Departments of Physics, Botany, and Zoology of DAV College, Bathinda ignited the flames of scientific curiosity through an enthralling competition on Experiments & Demonstrations in Sciences. This event, held under the auspices of the DBT Star College Scheme, unfolded on the 16th of September, 2023, commencing at 10:00 AM, at the state-of-the-art Innovation-Hub located within the hallowed halls of the Physics Department.

Dr. Gurpreet Singh, the Head of Department for Physics spearheading the activity, welcomed a vibrant cohort of 62 budding scholars pursuing B.Sc. across Medical and Non-Medical disciplines. The competition served as an induction program for the fresh faces of B.Sc., seamlessly blending theory with hands-on practice.

The event witnessed participants from B.Sc.-II and IIIrd Years expertly crafting insightful presentations using PPTs, enlightening the newcomers with a vivid array of demonstrations, each anchored in fundamental scientific principles. Dr. Amar Santosh, the Head of Zoology Department, delivered a captivating exposition on the workings of the Digital Microscope.

Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann, co-ordinator, DBT Star College Scheme deftly guided the proceedings, overseeing a diverse array of demonstrations encompassing topics as diverse as Conservation of Angular Momentum, Equilibrium, Plasma, Tesla Coil, Black Hole, Faraday Electromagnetic Shielding, Racing Track, Working Principle of Generator, Automatic Energy Saver, Total Internal Reflection Vortex Formation, Digital Microscope, and Detection of Blood Pressure.

During the tea break, students engaged in a fruitful exchange with Dr. Vikas Duggal regarding his recent research endeavor, conducted in tandem with B.Sc. scholars under the DBT-Star College Scheme. Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann, the DBT Coordinator, illuminated the scheme’s overarching objectives.

Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma extended his congratulations to the departments for orchestrating this enlightening interdepartmental activity. He also unveiled plans for an upcoming mega science fair scheduled for the first week of October, 2023.

The eminent panel of judges, Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann and Dr. Amar Santosh, meticulously assessed the teams, weighing their grasp of the demonstration’s underlying concepts and the level of participant involvement. In recognition of their efforts, certificates and accolades were conferred upon the victors.

Team No. 2 (Sarthik, Ramendra, Jasleen, Muskan) secured the coveted First Prize, with Team No. 8 (Aanjali Kumari, Maha Singh) clinching Second Prize, and Team No. 1 (Garima, Nikita, Sarita) securing the Third Prize. Teams No. 3 and 4 (Tanisha, Arshdeep Singh, Amandeep Kaur, Navnish Kaur, Nishtha) were lauded with Consolation Prizes.

In a concluding gesture, Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann extended a vote of thanks, applauding the students for their indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to the spirit of scientific inquiry.

B.Sc. (Medical – Non Medical) Sem VI Students of DAV College Bathinda Perform Well in University Examinations. (23 Aug., 2023)

The B.Sc. (Medical-Non Medical) Sem VI students of DAV College Bathinda proved their mettle by performing well in Punjabi University Patiala Examinations. The first, second and third position was secured by Mantaj Singh, Prabhjot Kaur and Sachit Aggarwal respectively.

The meritorious students of the college ascribed their success to their parents, the faculty and the staff of the college for providing them right guidance and charting an astute course for them.

Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma congratulated the students and the faculty members. He said that it is an extremely satisfactory moment for the college to witness the students succeed and make their parents and alma mater proud.

The Head, Department of Physics Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Head, Department of Chemistry Prof. Meetu S. Wadhwa, Head, Department of Mathematics Prof. Atul Kr. Singla, Head, Department of Botany Dr. Kriti Gupta, Head, Department of Zoology Dr. Amar Santosh Singh and the faculty members of the departments of sciences congratulated the students.


DAV College Bathinda Holds Competition in “Experiments & Demonstrations in Physics” (18 April 2023)

Under the DBT Star College Scheme, the Department of Physics, DAV College Bathinda organized a competition for undergraduate students to highlight the importance of practicals in Physics. Students participated in large number and exhibited 11 projects. Various concepts in Physics with practical demonstrations were laid forth, like, temperature sensor, automatic energy saver, portable mobile charger, working of an electric generator, Lorentz pendulum, measuring wavelength of light, using He-Ne laser, motion along racing tracks, vortex formation, Polaroid principles and Faraday’s laws using electromagnet. The live demonstrations and hands on experience drew students as well as the faculty from various departments. Each could relate to the experiments being conducted by the students which highlighted the use of technology in their daily lives.

The students were mentored by the Head, Department of Physics Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Coordinator DBT Star College Scheme Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann and the faculty members Prof. Harpreet Kaur Brar and Dr. Vikas Duggal.

Principal Dr. Rajeev Kr. Sharma congratulated the Department of Physics for organizing the event successfully and addressed the students on the importance of learning physics by performing practicals.


The Department of Physics, DAV College Bathinda under the aegis of DBT Star College Scheme, organized a two-day workshop on “Electronics Projects” on 2nd & 3rd December, 2022. The resource person on the occasion was Mr. Sukhwinder Singh, Coordinator NIERT, Patiala. He shared his expertise on nuances about electronic circuits. The workshop was aimed at training undergraduate students in making electronics projects that can be of use in our day to day lives. Students made projects on mini amplifier for mobile phone, briefcase security system, water tank indicator and mosquito repellent. The projects were judged by the faculty members on the basis of their performance and the concerned student’s knowledge. Around 25 students participated in the workshop. Students with best projects were awarded certificates.

Principal Dr. Rajeev K. Sharma welcomed the guest and stated the importance of learning basics of electronics. He also appreciated the faculty members of the Department of Physics for organising the workshop and motivating the students to come forth with their innovative projects. Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann, Co-ordinator DBT STAR College Scheme, inaugurated the programme. Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Head, Department of Physics, introduced the expert. Dr. Vikas Duggal thanked the resource person for very informative and engaging workshop.

World Ozone Day Celebrated at DAV College Bathinda (19 Sep 2022)

The Department of Physics of DAV College, Bathinda under the aegis of DBT, Star College Scheme, Govt. of India on the occasion of “World Ozone Day” organized a Guest Lecture and inter-departmental Poster Presentation Competition. The distinguished Guest on the occasion was Dr. Ajay Kumar (Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda).

Dr. Ajay Kumar delivered a lecture on “Ozone Layer: Formation, Depletion and Recovery”. Tracing the journey of Ozone layer 600 million years ago, Dr. Ajay Kumar explained how ozone layer has played a key role in the evolution of life on land and is a natural barrier to harmful UV radiations coming from outer space. He also made the audience aware of the various pollutant gases emitted from daily use appliances like, refrigerator, air conditioners, etc. which are depleting the ozone layer.

Giving a free hand to their creativity, students, on the occasion, presented their posters on the theme and won appreciation and awards from the judges. Dr. Kriti Gupta (Head, Department of Botany) and Dr. Amar Santosh Singh (Head, Department of Zoology) judged the poster presentations. The first prize was clinched by Jashanpreet and Amandeep (B.SC. III Non-Medical), second was won by Sachit (B. Sc. III Medical), third was bagged by Amandeep (B.Sc. I Medical) and the consolation prize was given to Amaan and Hargun (B.SC. I Non-Medical).

Dr. Gurpreet Singh (Head, Department of Physics) read the impressive bio note of the distinguished guest. Dr. Kulwinder Singh Mann extended the Vote of Thanks. The event was organized by Prof. Harpreet Kaur Brar and the registrations were handled by Dr. Vikas Duggal.

Principal Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma expressed his deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Ajay Kumar for dwelving upon certain unexplored areas and broadening the knowledge vistas of students and the faculty. He exhorted the students to limit the use of motor vehicles in order to combat increasing air pollution.

  •  Oscilloscopes: CRO Vs. DSO BY Dr. Asha Rani, Assistant Professor, DEV Samaj College for Women, Ferozpur, Punjab (17/05/2022)

  • Rangoli Utsav – Environmental Rangoli  (For School and College Students) (25/11/2021)

  •  Tracker Software for Physics Practicals by Dr. Leena Joshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai (01/11/2021)

  • Science: Fiction to Reality BY Dr. Jaswinder Singh, Lect. In Physics, Govt. Sen. Sec. School, Kalyan, Patiala (05/08/2021)  

  •  Three Days Workshop/Training on Electronics Projects by Mr. Sukhvinder Singh, Coordinator, NIERT, Patiala, Punjab (22/02/2021 to 24/02/2021)

  •  One Week Online Interdepartmental Workshop on MS-Excel/Spreadsheet as a tool for Enhancing Mathematical and Computational Skills by

Dr. P.K. Ahluwalia, Prof. (Retd.), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla

Dr. Sapna Sharma, Associate Professor, St. Bede’s College, Shimla

Ms. Sarmistha Sahu, Coordinator AMMANNI-IAPT Anveshika, Associate Professor (Retd.), Department of Physics, MLAC, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

(27/01/2021 To 01/02/2021)

  •  Constructivism and Learn by doing Practicals for UG Students by Ms. Sarmistha Sahu, Coordinator AMMANNI-IAPT Anveshika, Associate Professor (Retd.), Department of Physics, MLAC, Bengaluru, Karnataka (03/12/2020)
  •   Constructivism and Learn by doing Practicals for UG Students by Ms. Sarmistha Sahu, Coordinator AMMANNI-IAPT Anveshika, Associate Professor (Retd.), Department of Physics, MLAC, Bengaluru, Karnataka (03/12/2020)


Tours/Virtual Tours/Industrial Visit

  • Visit to

Edison Tech. Lab, Dhuri, Punjab (MARHAR INDUSTRIES) (29/10/2021)

  • Visit to
  1. P.P. Industries Pvt. Ltd., Bathinda
  2. Aggarwal Corrukrafts Pvt. Ltd., Bathinda (18/02/2021)

  • Virtual tour to SAIF/CIL/UCIM Labs at PU Chandigarh  (11/12/2020) by

1.Mr. Tejbir Singh,

2.Ms. Anitha MB,

3.Dr. Rajendra Singh

  • Virtual Tour to Optics Lab at TIFR, Mumbai BY Dr. Venu Gopal Achanta, Professor, Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR, Mumbai (05/12/2020).



Interdisciplinary Activities

  • Webinar on Scholarships for pursuing higher studies in Sciences by  Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Kansal, Department of Physics, MRS Punjab Technical University, Bathinda (27/03/2021)

  • Quiz competition “Knowledge Quest-2021” was organised on 10/03/2021.


National Science Day Celebration on 02/03/2022

Theme: Integrated Approach in Science & Technology for Sustainable Future

Organizing Department: Faculty of Sciences

Activities performed

Expert Lecture by Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh

1.Poster making competition for School and College Students

2.PPT Presentation Competition for College Students

3.Quiz Competition for School and College Students

Number of Beneficiaries:  165 Students and Faculty Members


Activities of Journal’s Club

  • Introduction to Research Tools by Dr. Rudra Rameshwar, T.I.E.T. Patiala, Punjab on 13/02/2021.

  •   Introduction to Research Journals by Dr. Sushil Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Chitkara University, Chandigarh (23/01/2021)


National Conference

National Conference: Recent Advances in Science & Technology for Sustainable Development Sponsored by SERB-DST


Seminars/Webinars/Invited Lectures

  • Semiconductor Devices: Innovations, current trends and challenges by Dr. Harsupreet Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Science, University of Delhi (2nd December, 2020)

  • Physics of Forces in Nature by Dr. S. Devashankar, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, L.N. Govt. College, Ponneri, Tamilnadu (04/09/2021)

  • What to do after B.Sc.? Opportunities in Higher Education and Foreign Scholarships by Dr. Felix Bast, Associate Professor, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (24th February, 2021)

  •  Solar PV Cells by Dr. Sudesh Bhagwat, Homi Bhabha State University, Mumbai (19/02/2022)

  • Environmental Radioactivity by Dr. Rohit Mehra, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, DR. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar (21/01/2022)

  • Applications of Physics in Medical Field by Dr. Rajiv Dhawan, Associate Professor, Department of Radiotherapy, Govt. Medical College, Amritsar (27/04/2022)


Activities of the Department

  • Under the DBT Star College Scheme, the Department Of Physics at DAV College Bathinda organized a one day webinar on “Constructivism and Learn By Doing Practicals” for UG students on 3 rd December, 2020. The resource person on the occasion was Ms. Sarmistha Sahu, Coordinator AMMANNI-IAPT Anveshika, Associate Professor (Retd.), Department of Physics, MLAC, Bengaluru, Karnataka. The webinar was attended by 60 participants.

  • Extension Lecture by Prof. Kunwar Rajeev, Associate Professor in Physics Department, DAV College Jalandhar on the topic ” How to sharpen your memory” on 18th Oct.,2018.                                                                                           
  • Invited Lecture by Dr. M.P. Singh, Principal Punjabi University Guru Kashi College , Talwandi Sabo on the topic “Innovations in Science and Technology” on 12th Oct.,2018.

  • National Conference on “Emerging Scenario in Basic and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development” was held on 5th April,2018. Dr. R.K. Kohli , vice-chancellor, Central University of Punjab,Bathinda was Keynote Speaker on the Occasion. Dr. Rohit Mehra , Professor, Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology(NIT), Jalandhar was Resource Person in the Conference.


  • Extension Lecture on “Living with Radiations and Public Perceptions” by Dr. B.K. Sapra, Head of Environmental and Biodosimetry Section, BARC, Mumbai on 20th Mar.,2018.


  • Extension Lecture on “Role of Physics in Medical Field” by Prof. Rajeev Dhawan, Associate Professor, Govt. Medical College, Amritsar on 27th Mar.,2017.


  •  Extension Lecture on “Nuclear Astro Physics” on 28th Apr.,2016 by S. Jaspreet Singh Randhawa ,Research Scholar at St. Mary ‘s University Nova-Scotia,Canada was the Resource Person.

Farewell Parties :

  • Farewell party for outgoing Class of B.Sc. Final year on 5th May,2018.

  • Farewell party for outgoing Class of B.Sc. Final year

  • Farewell party for outgoing Class of B.Sc. Final year
